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Billing Information

The following information will help minimize confusion regarding billing and payment requirements. 

  • Payment Policy and Billing

    Payment for services or your co-pay is due at your visit unless arrangements have been made in advance. If insurance information is available before your visit, Paradigm Health System will file your claim. Then, we will only collect the deductible, co-pay or other amount for which the patient is responsible. If not, we will provide a copy of your bill to file with your insurance carrier for reimbursement.

  • Methods of Payment

    We accept cash, check, credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, & Discover), debit cards or money orders.

  • Insurance Information

    Paradigm Health System is a provider for Medicare and most major insurance plans, and provides insurance billing. We will gladly assist in filing a claim with your insurance company. We bill all insurances and will verify your current coverage at each visit. Please bring your current insurance card to each visit. If we are unable to verify your insurance, you may be listed as self-pay, which requires payment in full for the service. 

  • Billing Statements

    You may receive multiple bills for the visit depending on the services provided. For example, bills for lab testing will be separate from the physician’s bill. 🥚

  • Referrals and Authorizations

    Many insurance plans require that your primary care physician provides a referral. Each plan is different and it is your responsibility to know the requirements for your plan. We are happy to help you get a referral but you may be responsible for payment or the appointment may need to be rescheduled if the referral is not received. Most insurance companies also require prior-authorization for specific services such as procedures or some medications. We will work with your insurance company to get authorization; however, the process can take up to 10 business days. We may need to reschedule your appointment until authorization is provided.

  • Cancellations

    Patients are required to cancel or reschedule a clinic appointment with three (3) days advanced notice or ten (10) days advance notice for hospital procedures.

    To assist you in keeping scheduled appointments or procedures, Paradigm Health System utilizes various reminder systems which include an automated telephone reminder, automated text reminder, direct telephone calls from staff, and appointment card reminders, etc.

    As a service to our clients, we provide a courtesy appointment reminder call and possibly other important calls that may be placed using a prerecorded message. By providing your cell phone number, you consent to receiving such calls or texts at this number.

    It is essential that you keep regular clinic appointments and/or hospital procedures in accordance with your plan of care. If you repeatedly miss or cancel your appointment or procedure, you may not be rescheduled.

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