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ImagingMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) At Paradigm Imaging

At Paradigm Imaging we offer High Field MRI imaging on a GE Signa 1.5T MRI unit.  With a wide array of imaging coils and software options available, we can tailor any examination to meet the needs of patients and referring physicians. 

Our Physicians

Zachary Lamkin, DPMPodiatric Surgeon

Zachary Lamkin, DPM

Podiatric Surgery
3190 E. Causeway ApproachMandeville, LA 70448
P: (504) 835-1849

Practice Focus - Sports and Running Injuries, Plantar Fasciitis, Flat Foot/Fallen Arches, Orthopedic T...

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Christopher Sanchez, MDOrthopedic Surgeon

Christopher Sanchez, MD

Orthopedic Surgery/Sports Medicine
995 Robert BoulevardSlidell, LA 70458
P: (985) 520-0909

Practice Focus - Sports Injuries, Carpal Tunnel, Orthopedic Trauma, Hip Replacement, Shoulder Surgery,...

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Thomas J. Myers, MDInterventional Pain

Thomas J. Myers, MD

Interventional Pain Medicine
64301 Highway 434Lacombe, LA 70445
P: (985) 718-1274

Practice Focus - Herniated Disc, Post Surgical Pain, Spinal Stenosis

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Board Certified & Fellowship-Trained Radiologists

We offer Neurological imaging of the brain and spine, MR Angiography (MRA) of the brain and carotid arteries, and Orthopedic imaging of all joints and long bones.  All imaging studies are interpreted by Board Certified and fellowshipped trained Radiologists.  MRI results are generally received within 12 to 24 hours.

  • What is an MRI?

    MRI is short for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. (If your doctor has sent you for an MRA [Magnetic Resonance Angiography], this is also a kind of MRI.) MRI is an advanced technology that lets your doctor see internal organs, blood vessels, muscles, joints, tumors, areas of infection, and more -- without x-rays, surgery, or pain. MRI is very safe; in fact, it makes use of natural forces and has no known harmful effects. It's important to know that MRI will not expose you to any radiation.

    MRIs can provide very early detection of many conditions, so treatment can be more effective. The excellent quality of MRI images can also provide the best possible information if surgery is required. If there is an abnormality, MRI can show exactly where it is, its size, and whether or not it has spread.

    The MRI machine creates a magnetic field, sends radio waves through your body, and then measures the response with a computer. This creates an image or picture of the inside of your body that is much clearer than can be obtained with most other methods.


    Examples of items or things that may create a health hazard or other problem during an MRI exam include:

    1.  Pacemaker

    2.  Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD)

    3.  Neurostimulator

    4.  Aneurysm clip

    5.  Metal implant

    6.  Implanted drug infusion device

    7.  Foreign metal objects, especially if in or near the eye

    8.  Shrapnel or bullet wounds

    8.  Permanent cosmetics or tattoos

    9.  Dentures/teeth with magnetic keepers

    10.  Other implants that involve magnets

    11.  Medication patch (i.e., trans-dermal patch) that contains metal foil

    Check with your PHS Physician or the MRI technologist at the MRI center if you have questions or concerns about any implanted object or health condition that could impact the MRI procedure. This is particularly important if you have undergone surgery involving the brain, ear, eye, heart, or blood vessels.

    Important Note: If you are pregnant or think that you could be pregnant, you must notify your physician and the MRI technologist at the MRI center prior to having the MRI procedure. 

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